
Sautéed Spinach
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When I was growing up all I knew about spinach was that Popeye the cartoon character ate it and after that, he became strong and the muscles in his upper arms grew huge. Even knowing that, I still didn’t like it. As I got older, I started to acquire a taste for spinach and then, when I was pregnant with my son, I desired spinach all the time. Spinach is high in iron and I wonder if my body needed the iron at that time and that is the reason I was craving it. Now, I eat spinach in salads, sautéed and spanakopitas. For now, Quick and Easy sautéed is my favorite.

Prep time 5 minutes Cook time 10 minutes

  • 1 bag spinach for every 2-3 people cleaned and rinsed with water
  • 2 cloves sliced garlic per bag
  • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Place oil and sliced garlic in a large saucepan on medium heat until garlic is sizzling but not browning. Put wet spinach in the heated oil and garlic, stir and mix spinach and garlic, cover and cook until spinach completely wilts. If you are making more than one bag add the second bag after the first bag of spinach wilts.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

1 Comment on "Spinach"

  1. Genevieve Melody Foster | April 28 at 6:27 pm |

    Spinach is my favorite vegetable! Definitely doing this recipe!

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